Monday, August 4, 2014

Learnin and suff

"The thing with me is I am smart. And I'm self-smarted basically by myself. Basically from nature and smoking drugs and doing different things, I've self... Like self-learned myself. And that's the whole difference, I guess, it's that I don't need the books or the schooling-type things. I just get everything on my own. And because of that, I'm alive right now. I mean, If I'd read more books or tried to go on to college and different things like that, I'd be dead right now. Because people say books and college are for to be to make you smarter, but they can also be for to be to get you dead, which is what could've happened to me. My brain doesn't use enough oxygen, cause i don't have the whole thing filled with different stuff. And if it was full, it's only part-full and that's why I'm alive right now." - Sum Guy

The thing is... I've like totally done that myself. I learned myself the motorcycles and bikes and stuff. If I'd gone to school, I wuld be dead. I'm 77. That's a lot. Most 77's are dead. People only started making it that high recenty. If I was schoolin smart, Then I'd be dead. I never wuld have joined the Outlaws. It wuld have for to be sumone else who got bit and earned their fangs. Pap died before he was 77. Pap never earned his fangs. If I hadn't self-learned myself then things wuld be bad. I'd be dead.

The other nite we totally fuked up sum snakes and vipers. I didnt know what people were talking about until I saw him. The others took the temple from the front. I took control of the others for gurding their escape route. Foes of the sabbat are always cowards nad always run. I new i was going to see action. Unfortunately their were a ton of other Lasombra that tagged along. They were ok, but not as good. I lead and they followed which was good. He came out of a hole as a snake and then turned into a vampire snake thing. It was gross. we faut and he used his mind powers on the other effective ones. The one that didnt speak english staked him and he kept going. If I was more learned then maybe he wuld have been able to get into my mind but because it isnt overly full he culdnt find where the thinking bit hides. He made the others forget him or made them fight for him or made them run away.

He stabbed through my chest but didnt realize how tough I am. I punched him in the face until all the learnin leaked out and then I ripped his head off for good measure. To many people that night had been eye-balling me or asking to many questions or using to many big words. My rage self wanted out to play so I let him a bit. His body ashed. It was nice. I got battle scarrs for my victory and leadership.

sumone said I'm to stupid to kill. I'm not stupid. I just proved that I'm more self-learned than sum snake man vampire guy. I have to self-lerned myself for to be killed.