I wrote this as my chalenge to the eyeballer:
Dear Eyeballer,
You have broked the codes of milan in the following bits. You broke the first code by asking all of your heretekal sumthings and sayins about why do we even need a regent. That is sum bullshit and I let it slide because originally i thout that you wre following the ammendment thingy or annotation or the other A word thing of the code where we are responsible for looking on our brothers and being our brothers keepers. You broke the fifth bits of the code multiple times by first stepping to paul and starting shit because he looked at you. According to the ammendmmennt we are allowed to look at each other and check up on what they are doing. He was just checkin you before you wrecked you. Which you did anyway. By breaking the fifth code again. You insulted my priest and mocked her publicly when she was trying to share her knowledge about a dangerous foe to the sect. this contributed to her being shouted down and the sabbat as a whole not benefitting from her expertise. She is magic. We are against magic. Recognize. Bitch. Then you broke the fifth code yet again while Danni and The ROCK GUY were in a shouting match you walked around to others and kept talking shit that was divisive and only helped yourself and made you look good. Which is also breaking number six. So in doing that you broke five again and six.
By the ritae of the monomacy, I oficially chalenge you as a True Sabbat. If you have finally joined a pack and have a pack priest, then give this to them, if not, then find your self an advocate in 3 nights and god save your soul. Since we have no biship, The arbiter might have to be the archbiship.
It should be stated that the reason that I did not chalenge you immediately is because we were dealing with major issues impacting the sect and we needed everyone in the case of a fight that night.
I hope that we can resolve this as Sabbat Lasombra quickly. unless you are afraid and wish to refuse my challenge which you are allowed to do under the rite of monomacy.