Friday, July 4, 2014


I remember being humin. Hell, I'm still in the range of a humin life. The things I've seen though aren't humin. But I remember being humin.

I was just a wee kiddo. Normaly had I been born at any other time I would have been sissifiet. But my life has always been war. I want to work with my mom. I learnet what half a ton and 3/4 of a ton was before i really had any proper skoolin. I was two young and culdnt work with the explosive bits. 500 #s. Thats where I mostly worket. I member the klanging and the bangin of the metal. the COP was huge. Go cornhuskers we wuld say. the COP was 20 miles square. it had jobs for thousands. I worket while my pappy foght.

Mom said that pappy never comed back from the world war too. I dont really remember him then anymore. i met him later in our life.

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